Tik Tok is currently the fastest growing social media platform on the internet with billions of users sharing and watching content globally. It is also the fastest growing app on both android and apple which makes me have to bring it into the spotlight. So what really is Tik Tok? It is a social platform where users can upload 15 to 60 second videos using a built in editor and sharing tools to promote their video. I’m not going to lie, I have a Tik Tok too, and it really does give me the laugh I sometimes need in a day, and usually when I open it up I just find myself just scrolling on hours on top of hours through the endless supply of videos. So what makes TikTok so powerful? That is exactly what I am going to tackle in this blog post so make sure to give me a follow right now on the blog by tapping the three prongs on the top of the screen and pressing follow. Without further ado, let's hop into this. So as I was saying before, Tik Tok has really sweeped this new generation of kids and teenagers away! I mean my cousins are literally on Tik Tok 23 hours out of the day. Literally.. So what is causing this mass global wave? Attention span. Think about this, Tik Tok videos are all less than 60 seconds and trust me that number was definitely planned. As new generations of kids keep coming, attention spans become lesser and lesser, being dulled by social media and the constant stimulation with phones. Most teens can not even sit down and watch a full movie without going completely insane because they either can’t go without their phone or they just have nothing propelling them to understand and like the movie. Do you know why? Well, movies are way too long for teenagers in this social age, so the next invention was youtube, but most people would post around 6 to 8 minutes on the platform according to google trends. This was still too long so what came? Tik Tok, short 15 second videos that kept the host actually entertained and focused during the duration of the video. Tik Tok saw that kids these days had horrible attention spans, and they used that info for their advantage. That's it!! Let’s make kids attention spans even shorter!! Well….. I’m afraid that's already happening. Good luck navigating this world, and I’m out!
So what's on my mind? Here is everything I am learning, doing and thinking of so make sure to follow.
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