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Is this all real?

So is this all real?  Is the dirt I feel beneath my feet, real?  Is the beauty I see with my eyes real?  Well what If I told you that everything you thought you believed was wrong, and that the world we live in is not even real or…  Thank you guys for making it to my first blog post because this is a really, and I mean really big moment for me.  This is my first walk on the moon into a world that is totally new to me.  I first want you guys to understand that this is a very new thing for me and over time I will get better at this but just try to cut me some slack for the first couple of posts…. But anyway back to the topic at hand.  The simulation theory.   So what really is this weird and new theory?  The simulation theory definition “proposes that all of reality, including the Earth and the universe, is in fact an artificial simulation, most likely a computer simulation.”  I learned about this theory a couple of years ago and just became totally obsessed with the whole idea because though I viewed it as almost impossible, I also viewed it as possible, which really intrigued me.  So here are some reasons supporting the simulation theory using science based research and evidence.  All sources will be listed at the bottom of the page

So I dug some research deep into the web researching all about this new theory and if there was really a lot backed up for it.  Well… Let me tell you, there are a lot of articles and a lot of convincing arguments for it, so let's dive in.  All sources again will be listed at the bottom.  So let me take you way back to the egyptian empire that started in 3100 BCE and ended with the fall of Cleopatra in 30 BCE.  Their empire was a revolution towards a new era with the buildings of the pyramids, underground tombs, new medicine, astrology, etc..  The list goes on, and after researching all the things that they had founded and made, I was mind blown.  But here is the plot twist.  After the egyptian empire perished in 30 BCE something weird and unsettling happened.  Technology, medicine, education, and advancements in just about everything went backwards.  Our world almost seemed to have a gap of time where the world all the sudden hit reverse and lost the knowledge it had previously learned before.  So what am I leaning into here and how do you connect the dots?  The most supported theory out there is that the egyptian empire never ended, and that after the empire supposedly “fell” the world fell to chaos from some sort of natural disaster including a biochemical was let loose.  Thus Egypt went underground and made a simulation where people could live normal again and never age.  Riddle me that.  Heck, even Elon Musk believes in this theory look it up on youtube!!
Okay I want you, yes you right now to think of the technology and computers and cell phones we have today.  Now everything on the web and online uses code and computer programs to run.  It all has rules it follows, or a certain program that it must follow.  Now look at everyday life and the rules that we have as an earth.  Newton’s laws of gravity, quadratic equations, E=MC^2, etc..  The world we live in follows rules and laws, almost just like a computer…… Weird right, so what makes you think that a computer could not do all of this, I’ll let you decide.
