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Finding Your Purpose....

So how can I find my purpose?  In such a busy and complicating world it can be hard sometimes to know who you are and what your purpose is in this life, but the thing is, most people have no idea what their purpose is, yes seriously!!  This kind of thing takes time, like years and years of searching and experimenting. Why do we have to have a purpose?  Well…. You don’t, but it does not matter if you want to have one or not, you have one, simple.  A purpose is what helps the world go round, it is what gives humans a sense of drive and meaning on this earth, without purpose there would be no meaning, and without meaning there is nothing.  So I am still personally searching for my purpose, I am only 16 so the likelihood of me stumbling upon it right now is kind of limited but it is possible.  Purpose is contrived when someone goes through many different experiences and adventures, which helps them get a feel for what they like and do not like.  The thing is sometimes certain things come when you are not looking for them.  For example, when I’m not looking for a new friend, someone comes, when I’m not looking for love, love comes.  So at a certain point we need to stop searching for our purpose and just live a little bit with the world that has been laid in front of our eyes.  Maybe you will find it when you are not searching, just maybe.  If you guys are reading this right now please comment down below and tell me if you guys have found your purpose or maybe you're still searching.  Thank you so much and have a good one!!
