Hey everyone reading this! I hope you guys are all safe and staying cautious and aware during these unusual times. About a month ago I remember going into town to get groceries with my dad and seeing all the stores closed. All the haircutting places and barbers, closed. Clothing stores like pacsun and american eagle, closed, and last of all our town mall officially pronounced closed until other notice and update on the virus. Me and my dad strolled into COSTCO to pick up some food and try to find toilet paper available but as we came to the storefront there was a enormous line and I mean enormous! COSTCO has a Line?! They were only letting a certain amount of people in the store at a time, I think something like 50 at a time. We waited in line and finally entered the store and a weird feeling jumped in my body. I looked around looking at everyone in masks, and gloves with a face with a mixture of disgust, terror, and madness….. Okay, now fast forward to today, stores are starting to open up, and many restaurants are reverting back to sit downs. So during this quite seemingly bipolar time I thought I would release to you guys types of conspiracies and roomers I have heard about the coronavirus, the future, and why it was actually maliciously released.
Okay, conspiracy #1, ww3. Yes, I said that right WORLD WAR THREE!!. So when I first heard this I was totally skeptical to why this would even be a thought but then I had a moment of clarity, “Did China just test the USA to see how a single virus could affect our country to act on it in the future?” So what I am pretty much saying is that according to the articles and rumors I have heard is that the Coronavirus was just a test by China to see how the USA would react. Would they stay strong and not even be phased by it? Or would they go into panic, shut down the whole country, and be vulnerable to attack? Just think about it and let it sink in.
The vaccinated chip conspiracy…… So If you guys have been watching or reading the news, there have been many updates about a vaccination coming at the end of the year, hopefully. The thing is Bill gates, the founder of the Microsoft Corporation, has collaborated with the CVC and government to add a chip into the vaccine!! SO you could be thinking right now, why would the chip be necessary? According to Bill Gates himself, he said that it would be able to identify who has the virus and who doesn’t, and it would also be an internal ID so we would never have to carry our ID in our pockett ever again. But is this a good thing really? SHould the government have a chip in us? Honestly i don't trust the government that well to have a chip in me but I will have you guys decide.
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